Bob Simulator Bob is the best patient simulator on the market, it allows training of several procedures without taking student's attention from the class.
Articulated Mannequin Articulated Mannequin is the structure formed by the articulator with the Arcade Refill and the different types of teeth.
Differentiated Teeth Pronew's Differentiated Teeth have anatomy and texture very close to the natural, with harder enamel hardness in the crown and a little softer after the middle third
Macromodel With the Macromodel, students has the advantage of learning in great detail all the steps of the dentistry course, improving their use and quality during the learning process.
Semi-ajustable Mannequin Pronew`s Articulated and Semi-ajustable Mannequin is the best equipment in the market to simulate all of the movements of the human dental arch.
Lock Trock Pronew's Lock Trock improves the making of models for fixed prostheses with precision, without using machines.
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